Sunday, August 15, 2004

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


I was just wondering to myself now many times someone clicks over to my blog only to be disappointed at the fact that it hasn't been updated for a month. I suppose there would be a way to track this, but I'm not about to figure that out.

Anywho--my last day working in the woods is this Friday--Friday the 13th. Du du dum. The next day I am bartending for a co-worker's daughter's wedding reception. That oughta be good--especially since she told me I could drink as much as I wanted. Scary.

I think I found a house to live in. It's a two-bedroom, slightly run down house with light blue siding for $275 a month. Of course I have to buy my own fridge and stove and the whole shabang. But the cheap rent should make up for that. And it will be kind of fun hunting for cheap furniture. I figure I'll be sitting on my camping chair and sleeping on the floor for a little while.

I was walking down the service road the other night to the counselor house at 9:30 p.m. thinking to myself how working from 6:30 in the morning on Wednesday until 9:30 at night on Sunday had become normal. Interesting how the body and mind can adapt to adverse conditions. I am afraid I will have some culture shock with all of the extra time on my hands. Hopefully I will not use it all drinking and (b)eating meat. I was thinking about becoming a vegetarian the other day. I've always figured I'd do that some time--it just needs to be the right scenario. I've also thought I would stop drinking some time, but that never too seriously.

So good day to you all, and I hope you enjoy the beige/olive green color.

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