Thursday, April 27, 2006

Visual proof that Abby, too, is a Chicago Bears fan.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Hey, can anyone in Wisconsin get me a job? You have a little time. Apparently Emily will be done with her Master's Degree next fall (fall of 2007). Then we would be free to leave--and believe me, we are both ready to get the hell out of the mild winters and hot sticky summers of North Carolina.

Can anyone get me a cheap house in Wisconsin by the job that you're going to get me? Preferably a 4 or 5 bedroom house with some land to roam. No more than 30 minutes from a city. On your marks, get set, go!


I was wondering to myself, why doesn't everyone just move back to Kankakee. I figure I can at least work a shit social work job and like the town I live in. And maybe I can get some cheap art for my house over at the ONU art department.

I don't know if anybody's falling for it, though, even me.
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