Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The Rest of the Day Off

Yes, I was asked to take the rest of the day off today because I pissed on the Nakotas sign. You see, me and my co-chief, Chief Doug, were asked to plan a party day before all the kids went home on camp-wide homesday (every single group goes home, rather than just one group, which is the norm). We come up with a number of events involving water--the water balloon toss, the greased watermelon in the lake game, the water in the Dixie cup relay, and finally the canoe relay, where two groups have to paddle with there hands to a certain spot,paddle back to shore, switch out with the other half of their group, and then complete the second leg of the relay.

Well my group, the Roanokes, has traditionally had a friendly rival with the Nakotas. It's after breakfast, my group is walking down trail on our way to the waterfront, and we're enjoying some friendly banter about how our first event is the canoe relay--against the Nakotas--and we're really gonna kick some tail. The Nakotas campsite just happens to be the only campsite you pass on your way from chuckwagon to the waterfront, and as we were nearing their trailhead, I felt the urge. I was just going to take a leak in the woods like I normally would do, however the Nakotas sign at their trailhead was just too much of a temptation. Being in the back of the line, I yelled "hold top," which is what we say when the front of the line is getting too far ahead. Zzzziiip.

"Hey, Chief Jason's pissing on the Nakotas sign."

"No, way."

"Yeah, look."

Sure enough, I gained some good cool points with my kids and felt good about getting a bit of a laugh.

4:00 in the afternoon, my assistant camp director calls me into his office to "have a chat." He says he "heard some rumors" that I pretended to urinate on the Nakotas sign, and what did I have to say.

"Well, no I didn't pretend, I really pissed on their sign, and from my perspective it really wasn't that big of a deal--I was just fooling around."

"How are you doing? Is anything going on?"
"No, I'm fine."

"Well, why don't you take the rest of the day off and meet me in my office at 9:00a.m. tomorrow morning."

"Umm . . . o.k.?"

Yeah, there you have it.



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