Monday, December 12, 2005

What's up Doc?

It has been two years since I visited the doctor's office. Two years. And I even have insurance. The only reason I went today was to renew my physical for work. They didn't do a whole lot. You know the usual weight, blood pressure, take deep breaths until you pass out routine. I was a little fearful I would have to turn my head and cough, and a little more fearful that I would get a finger shoved up my pooper, but no none of that. I did get a little prick in my arm to check for TB (tuberculosis), and the nurse penetrated my skin with a flu vaccine. The little flyer about the vaccine said that one of the possible allergic reactions was anaphylactic shock. So as I was leaving the doctor's office and walking to my car I was imagining that I was short of breath and that I could feel my passages closing.

All in all, I guess I'm pretty healthy. Apart from the 20 pounds I've gained in the last year, the unhealthy food that I eat, and the general lack of exercise in my life, yup, pretty healthy.


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