Thursday, February 19, 2004

4 Days In Greensboro

So I just got back this afternoon from my "Kalechetuh" training--the training that I was supposed to have at my 9 month mark but instead am just getting it at nearly my year mark (yes, a little bitter). Topics of training included: Mental Health, Resiliency, Group Work, Experiential Education, and Boundaries.

At about 4:30 p.m. each afternoon, training was over. Each evening consisted of myself and 5 or 6 other "chiefs" (that's our title in the woods) going to some downtown pub, dining, and getting completely shit-faced.

On Tuesday night at about 10:30 p.m., I was shaking my booty at Fischer's bar on Elm street. I like to shake my money maker. The bartender was also the coach of the UNCG rugby team. He made stiff drinks. I like stiff drinks.

Later that night, I was observed to be leading a sing along with a bunch of drunk property managers in the lobby of the Greensboro Marriott. People in business atire look silly singing "We all live in a yellow submarine." I made sure to please the crowd with renditions of "Like a Virgin" and the song from Titanic. Yes, I was drunk too. All proceeds went to the bartender, Will, who helped us out earlier in the night with dining and live music suggestions.

On Wednesday night, Lisa got a little drunk and thought it would be fun to start spilling beer on me. It wasn't that much fun, but at least she didn't spill my beer.

Last night it was time to get naked, or so some people said. Yup, only me in my boxers drinking rum 'n cokes while Terry told me how she thought we were going to be friends. Damn.

If you don't know, I live in the woods 5 days a week, 24 hours a day. So when people in my position get a chance to drink for three nights straight, we take the opportunity and run (er. . . stumble).
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