Friday, February 27, 2004

Occupational Burnout

I've been thinking about leaving my job lately. There are a few reasons why I think I've been thinking about this. a) The longest I've ever held a job was one year . . . and that was 6 months on the day shift, 6 months on the night shift--I'm gettin' itchy b) I question whether I've made any sort of close friends in the year that I've lived here (really though, who could ever come close to my friends from Kankakee?) c) Lately I've been yelling, cursing, and pushing kids around a little too much--something not really in my nature; I think I'm suffering occupational burnout d) I'm 27 years old and I'm still wondering what the heck I'm doing with my life. And there are probably a lot of other things too.

What the hell?! I've had to do some major evaluating of my dome piece lately. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing more harm than good to these kids. That's a pretty horrible feeling.

I think I've decided to stay though. Maybe it's because I have no expenses whatsoever, and I'm paying quite a bit on my debt. Or maybe it's because I know could be promoted fairly quickly. Or perhaps it's because I've found some demons in myself that I really need to face. I think probably all of these, but most of all because I know in the deepest part of me that this is where I need to be. I have dreams of travel and freedom, but not right now. I think the chorus of my most recent song puts it well:

I was born to wander, I was born to walk around
And these feet get anxious when they're sticking in the ground
Although I think I'm a nomad and a lover by trade
I retreat to the background, 'cuz I'm getting in the way

So I guess I'll be here for another year or so. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself right now. I do know that I can't be in this funk for much longer. I got some PTO this week. Maybe that'll help.


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