Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Brewski, The Sauce, What Ales Me

On Sunday I bottled my first ever batch of home-brewed beer. Just over 3 and a half cases--approximately 45 beers. It will be ready to drink in at least another 3 weeks, I will try it on for size in two. My initial attempt was an IPA. Tasting it out of the bucket, it has grande possibilities. Of course it hadn't been primed yet nor had it sat in the bottle for the alotted 2-3 weeks. I'm excited about the end product.

Directly after bottling my first batch of beer, I brewed another pot of wort, mixed it in the bucket with the yeast and the aromatic hops, put on the fermentation lock and put the bucket in the corner of the room. The next day it was pleasantly bubbling at a rate of about one bubble per second. This batch I followed a recipe for a nut brown ale, with a few changes in the hops. I'm convinced it will be just as yummalicious.

O.k. time to work.



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