Friday, September 16, 2005


I don't know if your neighborhood is much like mine, but apparently it is the culture to just discard your used McDonald's wrapper, Dorito's bag, Coke can, etc. wherever you are at. Yeah, that's right. You are walking down the street drinking a hug and you gulp the last bit down. What better place to get rid of it than in someone's yard? Every week I have to pick up trash in and around my yard. Dispicable. At first I thought I was being targeted because I'm a white dude. But that theory was quickly denied as I looked around at my neighbors' yards. Same thing. Trash everywhere.

This week I was particularly suprised to find some bicycle handlebars in my yard. Handlebars? Honestly! What's next, a muffler?

So if you are missing some handlebars to your bike, come on over and get them.


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