Tuesday, January 24, 2006

HL Mencken

So, you know that Adam and Stephanie--Cardinal--are performing an operetta about HL Mencken on April 8th, and of course you're gonna be there and all. But do you know anything about HL Mencken? Well I sure as hell don't either, so I went and used my $20 gift certificate for Barnes and Noble that I got for Christmas from my wife's brother, Matt, and ordered two books authored by Mencken. The first, In Defense of Women, seems to be the better known of his works and was easy to find cheap, so I hooked up with that. The second, A Carnival of Buncombe, seemed like a good pick mainly because of it's title, so I "put that in my cart" so to speak.

Another thing you might not know is that I got the only bootleg copy of one of the songs that Cardinal will perform on April 8th. It's got me on guitar if I remember right. Yeah, that'll probably sell for a good chunkachange here pretty soon.

What am I reading right now you ask? Well, I'm about three quarters of the way through The Idiot but seemed to have been distracted from it. I came across some old notes from college--the notes from my semester in Russia and two notebooks from systematic theology. I even broke out a little Marion in there. The book I'm currently reading the most is The Wounded Land by Stephen R. Donaldson. It's a series I read in high school that I am enjoying again the second time around. Donaldson's actually a pretty good author if you feel like taking a break from all of your Socrates and Bacon and Lacan and what not.

Hm. Bacon and Lacan. Sounds like a sandwich.


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