Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I've been reading more lately, and I've been engaging in more creative endeavors than say, drinking beer and watching t.v. Part of the reason is that I opened up a new room in my house. It is the library/art room. I still need to get bookshelves for my books, but there's a nice looking french eisel with art in progress. My current composition is taking all of the leaves that I find on my floor and painting them onto a canvas. It's met with limited success so far. It is only the second time I've used oil paints and a canvas. I'm sure that concept seems strange to Josh and Bethany. Another reason is that I put my 5" black & white on the shelf. It'll come down tonight for Lost, which I am actually enjoying, and on Sunday for foot ball. It's no HD, but hey, I think 50 degrees is pretty warm in my house.

I want to get some turn tables and fiddle with mixing. Part of my secret would be my Latin Opera vinyls--you can get some sick samples offa those mothas. It would help my guitar playing and song writing too. Anybody know somebody that wants to sell some mixing equipment--a little DJ set? I'll definitely be into scratching. Indeed, I was scratching my leg just now.

No, but I'm trying out recording some improvisations, then molding them into a song with playback and lyric changes and perhaps some different instrumentation. It's been kinda fun so far.

Word to your mom (and I mean that, you can tell her)


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