Monday, March 28, 2005

Zinn #2

It is clear to me that the only reason the non-elite, the marginalized, the poor people without land ever got anything in the early days of this country is because they armed themselves and banded together to fight for their rights; to fight against the tyranny of the land-owners and the elite.

I keep telling Emily that we are going to see some crazy shit in our lifetimes. Recession turns into depression and the people get restless. Not even new episodes of CSI and Survivor can turn back this tide. Eventually people will no longer be concerned about ideology, they will be concerned about having the capital to shelter and feed their children. Militias will fight federal armies. Townspeople will take up arms against their local governments. Washington D.C. will be surrounded by cement baricades and guarded by tanks and snipers. An exodus will begin--American emigrants to Canada and Mexico. A few at first. Many more later. Then they will shut their borders. The world will turn against us, because we have turned against them. Our transgressions are tenfold. We will reap what we have sewn.


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