Wednesday, August 17, 2005

the little hippie sat kissing my wife as they sat comfortably under the computer screen. surrounded by white washed walls and an El Salvadorian harbor. Segovya sat playing volleyball on the beach. the flags were unfurled and the bells rang out. Hooora! Hooora! and the crowd went red and wild.

sitting under the tree, the little hippie sang softly a song and knitted socks for her daughter. the night was cool . . . cool in a way that comes after a southern spell of hot steamy days. the first cool evening that you actually enjoy sitting on your porch, drinking, staring, talking softly. an Israeli speaks to me about his pet goldfish and how envies their simple existence. he is a mechanic in Jerusalem.

pay the rent!!! this is a reminder for those of you that have not payed your rent. granted, it is past the middle of the month, but we understand each other, don't we. sometimes it is difficult, existentially, to actually pay money for shelter. helter shelter. the envious man under the sign agrees.

love thyself, love thyself geometrically and judiciously and theologically. logic is a funny word isn't it?

chronologic. the logic of the chronos. the days, the rain, the diminishing light. painful it goes as painful it comes.


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