Wednesday, February 16, 2005


I have been convalescing for the past four days. I ache all over and have the chills. My nose is stopped and my throat makes me cough. I used to love being sick when I was a kid--who didn't? Who can beat getting to stay home when everyone else is at school? I remember in junior high spending two days straight in my parents big bed reading Dragonlance books. That was nice.

Staying home from work doesn't have the same enjoyment. I'm losing money that I can't afford to lose, I'm getting further behind in my paperwork, and I feel like shit to boot. Sometimes being an adult sucks.

I have made myself Kool-aid and I've watched Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back. Why did they have to make the new ones suck so much? Carrie Fisher is still hot.

I think my brain is going to explode.

**Update--Yeah, so I've been pissing myself all day long. You know when you're sick and you think you've pushed all of the pee out of your wee willy wonka that you can get out, then you zip up your fly and sure enough if there isn't a warm tinkle going down your leg. For fuck's sake! I'm paying for a quart of oil at the gas station, trying to smile at the old lady, while my sickly little guy is leeking urine into my cordoroys. This is not cool.


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