Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Tuesday Morning Thoughts

I often have college and high school to do over. It is the subject of my dreams on a weekly basis. I always have missed class for weeks on end and am afraid to go. I fear the reprimands from the teacher and I fear being so far behind and lost in class. There is usually a subplot that is sometimes exciting and oftentimes unimportant. Sometimes I am in my underwear. A few nights ago I realized I had missed classes for so long that I wondered if it would be better to cut my losses and drop out for the semester. These are issues I never really had in school.

Last night I dreamt I was in college and finals were the next day. I was glad to get them over with. I also dreamt I had a new apartment and was smoking tobacco out of a hooka pipe and a strange woman entered the door asking for Brian. I started running at her and she left. I then toasted myself a bagel and slurried cream cheese upon it.


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