Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I never understood that expression, or knew its origin.

What I DO understand, though, is that I just wrote a post only to see it disappear. Well, not see it disappear, which would be impossible, but only notice that it is gone. And now, even though the same thing will probably happen again this time, I'm composing in Blogger rather than Word because I'm the definition of insanity.

What I said, real quick, was:
If you want, Chief Jason, you can turn post titles on for each post under the "Settings" tab.

Also, I said I liked the name "Cold Room/Warm Heart" (punctuated like that) for this blog, and that the metaphorical meaning will outlast the winter. If, however, you are looking for a name that is more universal, you could take the greatest name I ever came up with, which is:


In the deleted post I really built it up. But that's it. "Tarantular" is a really good blog name. While I'm on the subject, does anyone know of a better onomatopoeia in the funnies than "Pifft"?

Finally, I told a story about my dog that I don't feel like going through again.

Thank you.


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