Sunday, April 03, 2005

Terry Schiavo

is still dead.

A very astute observation was found via CPRobes. The Liberal Conservative Blog has this to say:

The rise of the Terri Schiavo story never puzzled me: Like OJ, Scott, and Monica, Terri is just another freak show designed to distract us from the real news (such as the fact that our country is bankrupt; like Nazi Germany we've invaded and occupied a sovereign nation under false pretenses; as a parasite of this planet's gifts, we're killing our host; and so on).

That's what I used to think. Now I can see why Terri resonates so strongly. She is us, and we are her.

America is a brain-dead former beauty queen of a nation being kept alive by a feeding tube. Through this tube, the rest of the world funnels $2 billion a day, and that's just to support our shopping habits. We'd deteriorate faster than Terri Schiavo if the Chinese, Japanese, Saudis, Koreans, and others stopped paying the hospice bills. Like Terri Schiavo, we are oblivious to our own circumstances. I don't pretend to know what went through Terri's mind, such as it was, but it couldn't have been much less substantive than tonight's episode of Survivor.

May Terri RIP.


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