Friday, July 29, 2005

Speaking of Nipples

Contributor implies contributing so...

I play fantasy golf. Yup thats right. It's just like Dungeons and Dragons. You are assigned a golfer each week and it is your job then to act, speak and golf like that golfer. It really sucks when you're assigned Chris Dimarco, what with that Big ass Butt of his and all.

Dick Pride is kinda fun to be but it get's old fast. But man, when you get assigned John Daly, it's the best. You just have to drink and smoke all day. And you have to play aggresively, like take your 0 iron from 260yds out and just try to stick it on the green. David Duval is the easiest to mimick on the golf course however.

I'm kidding about the Dungeons and Dragons similarities. I do however play fantasy golf. Three different kinds actually. I play Pick-a-Pro where you pick one pro every week. The amount of money your pro wins is how many points you win. You can pick each pro only one time. If you have the most points at the end of the season you win these...

Fantasy golf is a bit different. You get an allowance of $1,000,000 each week. You have to buy 5 golfers. Dick Pride usually costs about $75,000. Tiger Woods is always $300,000.

Not since Tecmo Super Bowl have I known so much about a Professional sport. I know Driving Ditances, GIR percentages and putts per green. I watch golf every weekend wondering how my teams are doing. It's made the sport so much fun.

Now that I'm thinking about it, it might be more fun to play Fantasy Golf the Dungeons and Dragons way, just so long as when I'm Phil Mickelson, you don't call me Phil Nippleson.


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