Sunday, July 31, 2005

This is Sooo Adam R.

Adam called me on Friday night so I could help him look up a cheap airline ticket to Baltimore. He doesn't have internest access at his apartment and figured it would be quicker to call me than to wait the 10 minutes hold time for the airline. 15 minutes later, I still had not located him a good rate to Baltimore.

Funny thing is, Adam, rather than flying to Baltimore, was suppose to be going on a date with this girl he's had a crush on for five years. He describes her sexiness in many different ways.

He also realized that Jeff and Russ were coming over on Saturday and that it might be weird for them to show up at his apartment and find him missing.

I'm not sure if Adam was drunk or not, but he wasn't at work, so odds are he was sober . . . or at least hung over.

Incidentally, I had friends over from Baltimore last night. Hmmmmm.


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