Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My Weekly Post

I went to a show at The Brewery down by NC State with Emily and her friend last Saturday night. The headlining band was Silvertide--who we did not stay to see (although the lead singer commented on my chops as we made our way to the car. I thougth that was nice and kind of wanted to watch them play afterall. Alas, late and drunken and pregnancy).

The opening act was a local band called Bombbox. They were a four piece act that played some catchy candy rock tunes along the lines of third eye blind. The lead singer had some sweet vocals with a nice upper range while their bass player laid down some impressive bass lines. The guitar work was catchy, simple, not overdone. The drummer was off beat at times.

They were followed by a band called Oliver Black. My least favorite band of the night, Oliver's lead singer ruined it for me. She was a shorter, rounder version of Britney Spears, singing like Joan Jett and seemed to be experiencing a combination of whiskey and speed. Seriously, she could whale some vocals, but her stage presence was just too much. Very annoying. I personally think she has some deep seated psychological issues.

The band that I came to see did not fail to impress. Pepper's Ghost. Their songs are melodic with nice guitar work and very cool harmonies. Based out of Philly, these guys know how to put on a good show. Their stage presence harkens back to the showmanship of the Stones and the Beatles. Straight up, good feelin' rock 'n roll and not ashamed of it. Check out their website here.

The Brewery is a very small venue and they like to play it loud. My ears were ringing for the next day and a half. The fact that they offered Pabst Blue Ribbon in a can really made the night for me. I feel good drinking a PBR or six.



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