Saturday, January 29, 2005

It is Saturday and I am at work. Am I getting paid for these extra hours? No, I'm on salary. Is my salary large? Not really. I make $27,000 a year--the largest salary I have had to date, but not large. I remember Adam Kotsko posting a while back about those folks who have office jobs, say, in Chicago, and only do actual work about an hour or two a day. Craig Griffin had a job like that once. He got a lot of writing done. I'm pretty sure he made more money than I do. Eventually he saw the light and moved to northern Wisconsin via Milwaukee.

My job is not like that. I work quite a bit--trying to help out kids and their parents. I am rewarded by the knowledge that the kids I help out may turn out to be "successful." This is what successful means to me: you know those people that have jobs where they make a lot of money and don't do that much work--yeah, my kids are successful if they don't rob those people (and get caught) or rape and murder their teenage daughters. Ivy leaguers these kids? Not hardly. But at least we're trying to promote respect for those around them and the fundamental tool of communication.

At least I don't feel bad about posting a blog while I'm at work on Saturday.


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