Friday, January 21, 2005

You may have noticed that it has been nearly two weeks since I have written a post here. There are some good reasons for that, the least of which has been my trying to catch up on paperwork for my job. The largest reason is that there have been some big things for me to think about in the past couple of weeks.

In the span of the next 8 months, I will become both a husband and a father. Yes, that's right, a husband and a father.

Growing up in a very conservative home, I never thought I would be one of those people, but now that I am, I feel quite content. It has been interesting to hear the reactions of friends and family members as we tell them the news. I was so nervous to call my parents, but they reacted with unexpected calm and understanding--my mom was even making jokes. I think my brother was more shocked then they were. Out of all of my friends, Jeff Snowbarger had the funniest reaction. For a student and teacher of Literature and writing, he was definitely at a loss for words. I've never heard Jeff so speechless. His vocabulary consisted of "Wow." "Congratulations." and "This is good news." We talked for about 20 minutes.

I figure I'm 28 years old and it's about time to start doing the things that some of my friends were doing years ago (i.e. getting married and having kids). I could have kept trying to pretend that I was still in my early twenties, but that wouldn't have accomplished much. I'm excited and happy, and a little scared. In making this decision, Emily and I have come to the conclusion that we're not sure if we're ready for this. Is anyone really ever ready for this?

To recap--I'm getting married and having a baby. Our wedding will occur in South Hero, Vermont on May 7th. The baby is due on September 9th. Damn this is cool!

Life is kinda funny isn't it?


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