Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Strange Brew

My fourth endeavor at homebrewed beer is now in the secondary fermenter--I transfered it from the primary fermenter this morning. The beer is now a week old as I brewed up the wort (that's what you call the stuff when you boil it up) last Saturday. This is the first time I have done my own recipe--a variation and combination of a few different recipes, along with a few personal touches. While I was in Vermont I just happened upon a book for old-world medicinal and herbal beers. Of course the chapter heading "Psychotropic and Highly Intoxicating Beers" quickly caught my eye. I combined their recipes for Wormwood Ale and "Gruit" (a wheat beer using various herbs) with a recipe for an Imperial Stout. I added a bit of honey and ginger, along with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I have no idea how it will taste, but it should be quite an interesting little brew. I wrote down all of the ingredients and measurements and perhaps will post the recipe if I like it (not that anybody who reads this brews their own beer, but you goddamn should!). Word.

UPDATE: I decided to take a little taste of this brew just to see what it was like. Blech! was my initial reaction. It was pretty bitter and pungent and you could clearly taste the ginger that was added. After about a minute, the lingering flavor on my palate made me want more. I am hoping that after I add the fermenting sugar to it, bottle it, and age it, this beer might be something quite impressive. And if I am not satisfied with the flavor I can always make some modifications to the ingredients.


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